
A People at Rest

Daily Issues

Pen-u-el: For I Have Seen God Face to Face.

Satan's End Time Tricks

He Shall Never Be Moved!

Special Blessings Earned

Our Heavenly Father

When the Whole World Has Come Against Us!


We all need rest as individuals, as well as a people or nations.  In this time of confusion, wars, rumors of wars, and Satan setting up his new world order of a communist/socialist police state, world wide ... we all yearn for peace.

In 2nd Chronicles, chapter 14, we find many principles that lead us to that rest.  When Asa reigned, the land was quiet for ten years.  For, Asa did that which was good and right in the eyes of the Lord!  Goodness and righteousness always do cleansing ...

The cleansing of all false worship sites, images, and shelters ... the doing away of all false worship 'wanna be' gods and their followers.  Today, we have thousands of religious groupings who worship many things; material man made, satanic images, and other cultic practices.

Asa commanded Judah to seek the Lord (God of their fathers), do the law and the commandments, and he cleaned all the high places and images.  As a result, the kingdom was quiet before him.

He, also, built cities, walls, towers, gates, and bars ... while the land is yet before us, because we have sought the Lord, our God.  We have sought Him and He hath given us rest on every side.  So, they built and prospered.

As a result there were many men, strong and courageous, men of valor (as in verse 8).  Asa continued in reign, being strengthened and blessed for as long as he did in obedience to the commands of the Lord God.

Thus, we see the principles set forth to cleanse a nation or peoples to gain real peace.  The world, today, is going in the opposite direction, thus into total disobedience and rebellion ... making no room for the God of Heaven; Father God and His Son, Lord Jesus Christ.  As a result, the world is in complete turmoil.

Mankind has not learned the lessons of history, only lived to negate all that the Lord Jesus Christ and Father God are!
The world has no rest because of their attitude toward the real Father and Lord, Jesus Christ.  The world will be let to prove their inability to live in peace and be at rest, proving beyond any reasonable doubt that man does not have the answers.  Though, our Father and Lord Jesus do!

Learn these principles and live by them and you, as an individual, can have that rest and, then, enlist others to do the same.  Then, we can make a difference in the world.  For, we are lights and salt in the world, to show others the way to perfect rest.

© 2003 by (Howard) Vern Nicholson
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Luke 11:1-13

Daily, we are faced with many issues in life.  The most important issue is how we deal with our Heavenly  Father and Lord Jesus Christ.  Much of that is how we approach our Heavenly Father.  Do we come to Him as abba abba Father or do we try to make Him our possession?  To set the record straight, we are His possession because we were purchased by the sacrifice of Lord Jesus Christ.  To establish a covenant relationship makes it all possible.

Being honest with the Heavenly Father is a primary requisite for being able to communicate to Him your love, reverence, and thankfulness for His love and mercy!  Total honesty is required for Him to abundantly bless with His abundance of mercies and forgiveness.

Being honest with God, we first must be honest with ourselves ... to face our sinful nature and all the sins committed and omitted.  We must bring every sin, no matter how big or small, directly to Him and ask forgiveness.  When we confess our sins, ask forgiveness, and put them under the Blood of Jesus Christ they are forgiven and remembered no more!

When we humble ourselves (I Pe. 5:6) and seek His face continually, we receive the privilege of hearing His voice in speaking to us.  He speaks to us through His Word and in the voice of the Holy Spirit, leading and instructing us in the way He wants us to go.  Much of this has to be for His service.  We are His servants, to be used for His Glory, and He sheds part of that back upon us.  We are to be still and know He is God!

We have 4 enemies to hold us back from being productive servants.  The first one is FEAR.  Fear neutralizes so many because they retreat in fear, being unfruitful because they don't understand.  Fear can be conquered by simply going forward, in Christ, to the task assigned.  The Lord says, "Go," and that is all that is necessary to leave fear behind.

The second is INFERIORITY.  This one rules out so many of God's people because they don't really realize that, with Christ, all things are possible.  He always trains, equips, and empowers everyone to accomplish everything that He asks us to do!  No one is inferior to be a success, in the Lord's work.  We have to believe His word and be led by the Holy Spirit to accomplish every opportunity that comes our way.

The third enemy is GUILT, which we hang onto because we fail to put it behind us or to let go after forgiveness has been granted.  Guilt will rob you of strength and empowerment to accomplish anything for the Lord.  Take all guilt to the alter of God and leave it there.  You don't need it.  So, let go and let God use you to His glory!

The last great enemy that Satan uses against everyone is HATE.  Hate is only misguided love.  So, set it out in a new direction.  Hate is usually caused by a hurt, in every heart, because of sin of someone or several.  It can be overcome by asking for their forgiveness and then forgetting the incident.  Many self-righteous members of the church or community causes much of this, driving many away from the Lord.

Part of being honest with one's self is to recognize the enemy and deal directly with it, as the Lord ask you to.  Honesty is so important in the life of the Christian.  Honesty with God, with ourselves and others, brings on rich rewards.  In our prayer life, with the Father and Lord Jesus Christ, I would encourage you to be this way with all.  It has very rich rewards with the abundance of mercies, healings, blessings, and joys of being a dynamic servant of Almighty God.

Pray that your relationships with God, yourselves, and others will be strengthened and you will be richly and abundantly blessed ... because you will, then, be a dynamic servant ~ with many opportunities to share in His works.  Become a soul winner as Jesus makes you fishers of men, with all the dynamics of a rich and blessed life in Christ Jesus.  Prayer is the key that opens all the doors to abundant living!
© 2003 by (Howard) Vern Nicholson



Pen-u-el: For I Have Seen God Face to Face

In recent times, fear and events of the times that are closing in on all mankind, I am urged to tell all that our Father wants us to seek His face as never before!  It has been impressed upon me, very strongly, to tell others to do just that.   We are so far from His face because we have all became like the Laodicean church. Fear prevails and millions are marching all over the world, saying 'no war, but peace'.  Giving peace and comfort to evil always creates and strengthens more evil.  Most are not seeking the Face of God, but rather, through ignorance and walking in man's power, yielding unto spiritual evil forces ~ looking for peace.  This is the formula for total disaster! Spiritual warfare can only be victorious when all of mankind seeks the Face of our Heavenly Father and His Son, Lord Jesus Christ.  There are no other Gods!  There is no other one we can turn to and receive power to walk in total peace and victory.  I have been encouraged to tell all to "Seek the Face of God!" In Genesis, Chapter 32, we find Jacob and his fears brought forth in not knowing the response of Esau when they would meet.  In his need, he turned to our Father and sought His Face.  They wrestled until the breaking of day, like so many of us have and many more should.   We are to be encouraged to Seek His Face more than ever, in these difficult times. Spiritual Warfare is raging at a high pitch, throughout the whole world, because they have all went their own way; departing from our Father's Face unto false gods and values of the world of rebellion, power, and death ... that is instead of seeking His Face and Life!   The whole world has come to the place whereby we have to choose and the choice is seeking His Face or seeking death.   It's your choice.  Which side you are on? When we decide to seek His Face and yield ourselves to do just that, we have made a most wise decision.  We are to pray as long as it takes, seeking His Face until we are victorious.  With the victory comes knowing Him and not just knowing about Him.  When you have reached that level, you will be so blessed, you will not need to ask for special favors ~ for, they will be given automatic.  Your serious prayers will be answered and with extra blessings you dare not dream of.  The answers will be automatically answered beyond your expectations. Seek the Face of our Father and Lord, Jesus Christ, and their Divine protection, provisions, and blessings will be abundantly be given.  Praise the Lord for His mercy unto us, allowing us to seek His Face in times of great need, like today!  Perfect Peace will then be yours! 

© 2003 by (Howard) Vern Nicholson
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 He Shall Never Be Moved!

These are some great thoughts of being so strong, content, peaceful, and Christ like.  For, that is what all are seeking to be and so many fail because they don't understand. In Psalm 15, we meet the laws of judgment and, when they are understood and complied with, the end result is stability, strength, and immovableness.  We can plant both feet, square our shoulders, look upward and say, "Lord, thank you for my abiding in you!  For, you have planted me in your tabernacle and dwell in your Holy Hill!" Be always aware that our conduct, speech, and actions are in harmony with the Lord, that we walk upright all the time and are concerned about others (putting all others first and ourselves as servants of our Lord, on the behalf of others) that all things, we are involved with and doing, are right and correct, to the Glory of God.  And, always give thanks for all things ... that, no matter the situation, we are giving Glory, by all our works, as He works through us to bless others.  The giving principle prospers all, as it is returned unto.  In every nation where Christian giving exists, there is prosperity. The other great area is the speaking of truth in one's heart.  When we have the Word of God in our hearts and speak it forth, it always gives a return of fruitfulness.  The fruits of the Spirit are a great part of this (of speaking forth truth, in love, not bowing down to evil, but choosing, instead, to honor God and all His people).  Even when it may cost your life, or whatever the cost is in doing so, our Father and Lord, Jesus Christ, will richly reward you.  This has been proven throughout the history of God's people (Esther 3, II Kings 4, and many others). Being a good steward of all that the Lord has given you, even to the smallest things; if you are diligent, He will give you greater things as blessings ... and not to have power over the innocent or ignorant but, instead, to be a blessing to them. When this is your life, like the life of Jesus Christ living through you, then you will never be moved.  But, you will be like that old hymn, "I Shall Not Be Moved!"   May our Father and Lord, Jesus Christ, bless you, abundantly and richly, as you endeavor to accomplish the rules of judgment. 

© 2003 by (Howard) Vern Nicholson
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Satan's End Time Tricks
The Wanna Be God!

Consider this: pray, read God's Word, and repent of all sin.  Time is now to seek more of our Father, Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.  It is time to be serious with God and seek His Face.  Seek His Divine Protection and Provision in these end time wars and upheaval.

Our Father is in control, but will permit mankind to prove himself unable to live in peace and harmony, without His Son!  The events already started, some time back.  The decisions are clearly made.  With Israel, being the main target for destruction by the kingdom of the south, the nations of Moslems will come against Israel and USA with many attacks, from many sides, in attempt to totally destroy the Israelis and American Christians ... to rid the earth of the mention of the True God and Jesus Christ, and all their peoples.

While we are busy defending ourselves from all sides, the Red Chinese and North Koreans (and all other communists nations) will sweep down the Pacific, from Japan to Australia ... thus, ridding the Asian nations of the mention of our Father.  The two prongs of attack have already started and the picture is very clear.   The  Koreans and Chinese will attack Japan, in a few days or weeks, and begin their sweep southward; which will take about 2 to 3 years to accomplish.  The United States will not be able to help our Asian allies because of the destruction of our own nation and losing control of the oil supplies of the world.

This is just a small scenario.  But, check out the scriptures and you will find it as part of the end time events.  The only alternative, to have this not to happen, is to waken up the Christians in these counties and pray like never before ~ for more of God and His Divine protection and provisions.  Our Father and Jesus Christ are our only defense.  Some, who read this, will not accept the challenge because they are unwilling to surrender and leave the world value system.  They will lose it all, anyway.  So, why not join in on the Lord's side?

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 11 Chronicles 7:14   This scripture is the only answer we need.  It is simple: repent, repent, repent and seek God's face.  Quit being the Laodicean church, in Revelation 3:14; a luke warm, self-righteous, unrepented, religious people with no conviction or power ... led by smooth tongued, blind, leaders, who think it is a job for hire.  (Sorry for the strong language.  But, you'd better check out God's Word.)

This is not to hurt anyone, but to call attention to the greatest need of the modern church in our time.  It is time to seek God's face, repent of our self-righteousness and other attitudes which keep others from Christ Jesus, and to prepare the people for the days ahead ~ to make sure they are ready!  Be Ye Ready for you know not the day or the hour!    

© 2003 by (Howard) Vern Nicholson
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When the Whole World Has Come Against Us!

We have all experienced a little wickedness that comes against us from others; from some family members, neighbors, and those in power over us.  We get to the point of, "Why, Lord, could people be so evil set against me?"  We have been gossiped, back bitten, openly insulted, and verbally attacked.  Some might have even been attacked physically, with malice afore thought.  

This makes us feel the whole world is against us.  "What is the use to go on?" and "Why, even, try anymore!"  We might be like King David, in Psalm 109, whereby so many had harmed him, with the aid of Satan and his demons.  Even King Saul attempted to capture him and take his life, with the purpose of destroying him.  

We, then, can be able to see the cross with Jesus on it, in agony, as He hung there for us.  How He looked out on the crowd with compassion and mercy as He said, "Father, forgive them, for they know what they do" ... the insults, beatings, berating, cursings, and reviling with mockery.   

David said, in Psalm 109:21, "But do thou for me, O God the Lord, for thy name's sake: because thy mercy is good, deliver thou me!"  David prayed for deliverance because He knew the Lord and His wonderful mercy, and His power to deliver in times of danger.  He knew the power of our Father's divine protection and provision!  

"Help me, O Lord my God: O save me according to thy mercy: That they may know that this is thy hand: that thou, Lord, has done it."  Psalm 109: 26-27  

So, when we find ourselves in like manner, remember He is able to save to the uttermost, in the most dire circumstance.  Nothing can harm you, with our Father's divine protection, provision, through the Holy Spirit and His Word!  He will speak to you at the time you need it the most and in the Word that you have known almost all your life.  You will know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, of His amazing deliverance.  

When you are delivered, remember who did it for you and give Him, totally, your life.  He will abundantly bless and, as you humble yourself like unto 1 Pe. 5:6, you will have the most exciting life the remainder of your earthly life, with super abundance of blessings.  His deliverance is guaranteed because of His blood covenant with you, in the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

© 2002 by (Howard) Vern Nicholson
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Our Heavenly Father  

Great is thy name, and greatly to be praised and worshiped.  We praise and worship you.  We stand in awe and amazement at your great and mighty works, knowing your great Love. Forgive us of all of our sins, to this very moment.  Help us to forgive others who have wronged us.  Renew our spirit, and bring us into thy glorious presence ... that we might share thy glory with others.  Help us, by our lives, to show You to others; that they might desire to serve you. Help us to be able to stand in these troubled times.  (Ep.  6:13)  Wherefore, take unto us the whole armor of God, that we may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.     

Heavenly Father, use us to win souls to you and to minister to all their needs; that they might be free in Christ Jesus: Our Wonderful Lord and Master.  For Your Word says, "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty."       

Heavenly Father, send your Spirit to our land and give us a national revival whereby many souls will be saved ... those that are deep in sin, those that are hurting, those in ignorance, and those in false religions .... that we may all be saved by thy Amazing Grace.       

Heavenly Father, may thy Word be real in our lives.  May we take on the whole armor of God and be able to stand in time of  trouble.  We pray that you will use us as thy servants and do great things thru us, winning souls unto you ... that we may be strongly salted and bright lighted, wherein others can see the Glory of Jesus Christ thru us.       

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for listening to us, for blessing us, for using us, for thy Divine Protection, for thy Divine Provision, for thy Divine Love, for thy forgiveness, for thy Mercy, and for your great Amazing Grace.       

Thank you, Jesus Christ, for dying for us and purchasing us with your own blood.  Thank you, Jesus Christ, for blessing us with your great salvation, for the privileges we have as children of God, for the Blessed Hope you give, and for accepting poor lost sinners as your friends.       

We ask this for your Glory, Praise, and Honor.  In Jesus name, Amen.    

© Howard Vern Nicholson
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Special Blessings Earned?

We question, many times, and wonder why we are not receiving very important blessings when we need them most.  We even tend to think that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has forgotten about us in our situation.  We may go to the point of not trusting them when we need to trust the most.  Why is that happening to us?

 In Kings 4:11, we begin to understand the principle is revealed to those who have spiritual insight into the secrets hid there.  The first example is in the beginning of the chapter.  It is about a certain woman, of the wives of the sons of the prophets.  Then, the story unfolds of our Heavenly Father's blessing upon her because of the service of the prophet's life to the Lord.  He gave the wonderful blessing.  Read it yourself and learn the principle.  Then, apply it to receive special Blessings Earned in Service.

 In verse 8 and following, we have another example of a great woman who blessed Elisha with bread to eat.  As often as Elisha passed by, He turned in to eat bread.  It was a place of welcome and blessing to God's servant.  Not only that, but it went even further to provide a place to rest, sleep, and be refreshed for another day.

 Then, after a way of life had been established in blessing the servant, Elisha said, "Call this Shunammite woman."  And when she had stood before Him, He said unto him, "Say now unto her, 'Behold, thou has been careful for us with all this care.  What is to be done for thee?'"  Wonderful question!  But, it would only have been asked after proven blessings had been provided over a period of time; honoring God's servant.  By honoring God's servants, we then receive special blessings, honors, and privileges beyond what others can receive.

 Our Heavenly Father and Lord, Jesus Christ, are jealous and zealous for our praise, worship, and our service to them and their servants.  So, when you have received a special blessing from or through one of their servants, always render unto them praise, thanksgiving, and (very important) remember their servant through which the blessing came.  It is very important to learn this spiritual principle and apply it, daily, over a period of time.  Then, blessings follow down the road when you need it the most.

 These special blessings come in many ways and only through servants that are proved by the Most High God, our Heavenly Father, and Lord, Jesus Christ.  (There are no other Gods.  They are all 'wanna be' gods.)  They keep record of your humble service in blessing Their servants.  These servants can be your minister, workers in the church, or dedicated servants in the Christian community.  When you pray, "Lord, send someone to me," these are the ones He sends to answer your prayer.  They are the ones always saying, "Lord, Here Am I.  Send Me!!"

 When you have received this special blessing, you must always give God the Father, Lord, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit the glory.  BUT, also include the servant through whom you are blessed!   It is very important to do this, to your glory.  Neglect this principle and you will lose a reward, and maybe even more than you are able to pay ~ for not sharing the glory with all concerned!!!

 Our Heavenly Father and Lord, Jesus Christ, want to give many more blessings.  But, when you fail to learn this principle and apply it, you lose.  You can't afford not to humble yourselves and give thanks, proper reward of praise, and credit to all concerned in your receiving these special blessings.  There might be healing, new jobs, peaceful relationships, or many other blessings ~ when you need them the most!

 Therefore, begin to bless all the servants of Almighty God, our Father, and Lord, Jesus Christ, when you are being taught, ministered to, or when you are being special prayed for.  Many times, a special, total, change in your life will take place and you will definitely know it is a special blessing from our God.

 He wants to bless you more.  But, you would not learn or listen when He has told you before.  So now, read and understand.  In God's Word are many spiritual principles He wants you to learn and apply, so you can be abundantly blessed and His servants, also.   

  © 2002 by (Howard) Vern Nicholson
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