Our prayer life is a
reflection of our life! Well, what is our prayer life like?
For, out of the heart the mouth speaketh. I present to you that, if
the Holy Spirit is not in control of your heart, you have short words
in prayer. If the Holy Spirit is in charge of your life, you have
prayers as long as 5 or 6 hours or more, and no words come out of your
mouth. You, also, have fine tuned your spiritual ear to hear the Lord
and leading of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit prays for you, many times, and you don't
even realize it because of your weakened faith and relationship with
the Father and Lord Jesus Christ, or you have no relationship at all.
He speaks to your mind to repent and be baptized and then receive the Holy
Spirit. Acts 2:38
He, also, speaks to your mind to write music, poetry,
writings, and many other creative endeavors that glorify the Lord; that blesses
the Father and or empowers His children to do the will of the
Father, fulfilling the whole purpose we were born.
Additionally, the Holy Spirit speaks to our mind to put
into words the message. He wants us to speak to others. We need
to be very careful and not speak our words because we think He wants it
done, but to speak forth only when He speaks; making ourselves
available to be used.
It would be helpful to examine our hearts,
obedience, faithfulness, humbleness, and other aspects of our Christian walk
as we end one year and start another. We need, also, to listen to our
heart, as the Holy Spirit abides in us.
We would be better off making ourselves available
for the Lord's use, each and every day, no matter how we feel or what
situation we find ourselves in. He is a God Of Miracles, wanting
to Bless All His Children.
This, then, is a wonderful time to examine our lives,
kick out the bad, and receive the new. We can even ask the Lord
to Open our Eyes and Unstop our Ears. Maybe you are only seeing
a little and hearing less. Are you gonna think about these
things, today? Don't put it off. Today is the Day of
© 2003 by (Howard) Vern Nicholson
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